Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Autumn leaves are falling - by Keri

A utumn is a fun time to play in all the leaves

U believable what you see

T iming when the leaves fall down

U nder every tree you will see leaves

M arvelous colors on the leaves that you see

N ice colours on the leaves

L eaves are orange black yellow and gold

E dges are a little bit sharp

A mazing how many leaves you can see

V ery shiny from when the sun shines down on the leaves that are on the ground

E arth colours on the leaves

S muging colours on the leaves

A fun time to play when you have leaves to play in

R eally fun in the leaves

E xciting what colours you can see on the leaves

F antastic fun you can have

A ll of the ground is covered in leaves

L ovely what you see from up so high in a tree

L ooking down on all of the leaves



  1. Love this acrostic poem, Keri! You have really thought hard about your writing. Keep up the great work.
    From Ms Lister

  2. What a great poem Keri
    From Mum
